Guiding Children's Behaviour in Practice - A Team Approach

Guiding Children's Behaviour in Practice - A Team Approach

Regular price $30.00 Sale

Guiding Children’s Behaviour in Practice…  A Team Approach

This practical resource has been designed to support the implementation and understanding of the strategies identified in KU’s Guiding Children's Behaviour Practice Guide and workshops. This resource has a strengths-based approach and provides educators opportunities for critical reflection of program and practice. In our work with young children we are involved in promoting their wellbeing, safety and development. Of fundamental consideration is the understanding that a child's behaviour is their means of communication. The Practice Guide is divided into easy to use chapters that support educators understanding of child development, provides key strategies to establishing positive social and physical environments and to addresses the behaviour of children which educators find challenging and that impacts on individual and group social development. Team tasks support opportunities for collaborative shared discussion and reflection related to key concepts that support a positive approach to guiding children’s behaviour.